Excel Magnetic's Vibrator Motor are well equipped with
special profile bearings with high carrying load and increased bearing work. It
results into long bearing life.
High Performance
Value for money. http://linuxmagnetics.com/vibrator-moters.php
Vibratory feeder are ideally suited for controlling the
flow of bulk materials to secondary processing operation. Vibrations produced are
smooth, uniform, volumetric flow that is fully variable from a dribble to
surge. Vibratory feeders are used to control product flow in bulk handling
operation such as packaging, batching, mixing, drying, weighing, sprinkling and
spreading. Our feeders have handled a variety of materials, from dry to damp,
cold to hot, fine to course, with different bulk densities. Some of the
applications include; use in chemical plant – to control flow of ingredients to
mixing tanks, the Food Industries to sprinkle nuts and topping on cakes and
ice-cream products.
Vibratory Feeder Types:
Electro Magnetic Type
Twin Unbalance Motorized Type
UF – Exciter Driven Type.
Eccentric Drive Type.
Linux manufactures Vibration motor base feeders, which
utilize the forces set up by two synchronised counter-rotating, heavy duty
vibrator motors. At Two points in each complete revolution, the centrifugal
forces of each vibrator coincide, resulting in a linear force.
Our feeders are custom built to meet any application
needed. Feeders are built rugged to produce tje consistent flow rates and
trouble free operation needed for efficient processing. The Feeder can be
designed wither Base Mounted or Suspension / Hanging Type.
Liners can be provided for special application e.g.
Feeding of ORE & Pellets in the Blast Furnace.
Enclosed Body for feeder can be manufacture for
Extracting Minerals for Storage Bins and Conveying to kilns.
Technical Specification:
The Mechanical Vibratory Feeder consist of a tray made
out of Mild Steel.
The body housing of the Vibrator is made from Heavy duty
As the Motor get energised the Vibration sets the
material in motion.
The Vibration of the feeder will be controlled with the
help of adjusting the loads of the motor.
The Feeder will be mounted on Heavy Duty Spring
Bar/Brakets or Base Mounting.